System32 Drivers Pci Sys Download
Click to expand.So I tried this as well and unfortunately it still didn't work. I removed all of the cards and both of the RAM modules, one at a time, but I always got the same message about System32 DRIVERS pci.sys being missing or corrupt. I guess both of the RAM modules could be damaged but I can't take them both out at the same time to test that. By the way, I don't know if this would be useful to know, but I was able to use a flash drive with Ubuntu on it and start up that operating system. Although Ubuntu is a different operating system, it will still need to use Windows hardware to run.
Run a Mem Test. Scroll down to 'Download (Pre-built & ISOs)' Then - 'Download - Pre-Compiled Bootable ISO (.zip)' Download the ISO file above to your desktop.
Pca column software tutorial. Then burn the ISO to a Cd. Start the Pc using the Cd and run the memory test overnight or for at least 8 passes.
It is best to run a full scan on individual Ram sticks if you can. Or run the test but if any errors are shown - then remove all sticks of Ram and test each Ram stick one at a time. Guide to using Memtest86+ - You can also run the Mem test from a USB stick Scroll down to Download (Pre-built & ISOs Download - Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7).NEW!. Download to desktop - unzip it there. Put the USB stick into your Pc USB slot. Click on the Install icon on your desktop - it will then have a box appear asking you to name the USB drive letter. Put the drive letter in the box and click on install.

But first to check the correct USB drive letter - with the USB stick in the USB slot of your PC, right click My Computer click on Open. Your USB stick will be listed with the drive letter. I'm out of ideas here - I would backup all needed data and files and try a Repair Install. But a Repair install does not always work Read the warnings here. XP-Repair install.
Insert the XP cd in the CD ROM Drive then switch on the computer. You will receive the following message: This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer: To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER. To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
System32 Drivers Pci Sys Download Free
DO NOT at this point select R. DO NOT SELECT R Select ENTER - On the Windows XP Licensing Agreement screen Press F8 to agree to the license agreement Select current installation of Windows XP.and then Press R to repair Windows XP. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to repair Windows. After you repair Windows, you may have to reactivate your copy of Windows XP And install all Windows updates. A repair install should leave all of your programs and data in place. Read all info and warnings - as a Repair Install does not always work End of support of Windows Xp.

Ok I will probably try doing a repair install, but before I try that, do you think something like this would work?: That post is for fixing the original error and uses knoppix, but what I was thinking is kind of similar. Basically I start Ubuntu, then access the windows folder and basically do one of these commands (except just press 'copy' and then 'paste'): copy c: windows ServicePackFiles i386 pci.sys c: windows system32 drivers (or) copy c: windows system32 dllcache pci.sys c: windows system32 drivers Then hopefully I wouldn't get the access denied message and maybe that would fix it. I could backup my files before I tried it, as well. Let me know if you think that would work and if it's not too risky to try. If not I'll probably just try the repair install.
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Alright, so I backed up all of my files and was trying the repair install. When I got to the part where you go to the current selection of windows, however, none of the partitions had the option to press r to repair (I also didn't know which partition windows was installed in). I guess the setup doesn't even recognize that windows is installed on the hard drive. On the link you posted, under warning #2, he has some suggestions using the recovery console to fix this problem. Should I try one of those?
By the way, at first I was going to try copying the pci.sys file using ubuntu, but when I was looking for c: windows system32 drivers, there was no drivers folder. I guess it got deleted somehow, along with pci.sys.